Weekly Newsletter – 8/26/2022
Happy Friday!
I was overjoyed and ecstatic to have your students in class this week! We have been busy!
New Information:
- PARENT CONFERENCES: Quarter 1 parent conferences are coming up! 🙂 Please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4fa8ae22a5fbc07-september
- SIBLEY SUPER POINTS: Our students earned 20 points and they have voted to bring a toy to school! This will happen on Wednesday, August 31st (our half day – next week). Please limit it to 1 toy. We will be having a show & tell presentation. Reach out if you have any questions about a specific toy.
Past Newsletter Information:
- HOMEWORK: We encourage all of our students to read for at least 20 minutes every night. I will also be assigning work that they can do at home (including: fun ELA & math games) on their Google Classroom. This is not required homework and can be worked on throughout the year. It is just additional practice and hopefully they will have some fun with the games. There is also a fun FREE math game called Prodigy that my students LOVED last year. There is also https://www.teachyourmonster.org/ which is a fun FREE ELA game.
- WEEKLY NOTEBOOKS: I send home their work on Fridays. Please review it as I put notes on them and you can see what we are doing in class. Reach out if you ever have any questions.
- FIELD TRIPS: We will be going on two Field Trips this year. If you want to chaperone (OR VOLUNTEER IN THE CLASSROOM), you MUST get your fingerprint clearance card prior. They take weeks to come in, so please plan ahead.
This Week:
- We:
- have continued talking about how friends depend on each other and have continued reading our Fiction/Fantasy books!
- have been learning about arrays, repeated addition, and even & odd numbers in math!
- learned about herbivores, carnivores & omnivores! We also did an activity to learn about termites!
Next Week:
- Our spelling words:
- did, fin, pick, line, pipe, tip, mix, five, side, hike, cape, made, all, any, says
School Information:
- Please join our school’s Family Engagement Committee’s (FEC) Facebook page. Here you will find school wide events that are coming up and ways to volunteer at school. https://www.facebook.com/groups/620590539585576
- If you need aftercare for our first upcoming half day on August 31st (dismissal at 11am) – sign up here. https://yqysjrrxph.formstack.com/forms/stcs_half_day_camp_2022_2023
- Picture day is September 14th.
- Please see the other email about the author visit and if you would like you can preorder your books.
I am very much looking forward to another wonderful week! Do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions that you may have!
Mrs. Sibley