Sibley’s Super Stars – Weekly Newsletter 8/10/2023

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Happy Thursday!

We have completed MAP testing and are moving quickly through curriculum! They are working hard and trying harder! We are currently working on transitions so that we can get a lot done in the day, as well as staying on task! 🙂

This Week:

  • We:
    • Learned about habitats and went on a virtual field trip to learn more about big horn sheep
    • Worked on Week 2 in our ELA curriculum and read non-fiction stories about how people around the world are the same and different (in terms of: housing, food, language…)
    • Continued with Unit 1 of our Math curriculum and worked through our single addition/subtraction math facts

Next Week:

  • Our spelling words:
    • grass, trips, crack, still, west, mask, clap, plans, milk, belt, fog, tub, by, he, she
      • We will be having a review test on Friday. These are practice tests as they will be opening up the test and reviewing their missed words, but any support you can give them at home is huge. 🙂

Paper Drive

Our annual beginning of the year PAPER DRIVE is in full effect as of yesterday. The class with the MOST points will receive a teacher reward for participating is $150.00 classroom fund. Write your teacher’s name on the paper and send it to the front office. Here is how the points work: White Ream of Paper =3 points

Couple of Important Dates

  • Curriculum Night: August 23rd from 4:30pm-6:30pm. More information to follow, but this is an awesome night to learn more about our math and English curriculum, the day-to-day in classes, homework questions…
  • 1/2 Day: August 30th with dismissal beginning at 11am
  • In recognition of International Grandparents Day, we are inviting all Grandparents to attend lunch with their grandchildren campus on September 7th and 8th. Lunch is open for special guests, not just grandparents. Due to space concerns, we are asking hosting two days and we ask that you sign up based on THE STUDENT’s last name.

I am very much looking forward to another wonderful week! Do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions that you may have!


Mrs. Sibley

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