Sibley’s Super Stars – Weekly Newsletter 10/19/2023

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Happy Thursday!!

I was overjoyed and ecstatic to have your students in class this week! We have been busy!

New Information:

  • BOARD GAME FRIDAY: My amazing class has earned 20 Sibley Super Points. Some reasons they receive these points are for: working hard throughout the day, having 100% attendance, getting compliments from Specials Teachers, cleaning up the room at the end of the day, and walking in the hallway respectfully. 😊 They have voted to play board games on Friday afternoon! Students can bring a board game at home to play with their classmates tomorrow!
  • HALLOWEEN: Halloween is coming on Tuesday, October 31st. This will be a 1/2 day with dismissal at 11:00am. Per San Tan Charter School policy, NO costumes, sweets, or candy are allowed.
  • CLASSROOM VOLUNTEERS: Do you want to volunteer in the classroom or hang out with your student at lunch? I’d love to have you! Let me know! You must have your Fingerprint Clearance Card.

This Week:

  • We:
    • continued learning about fables and how animals in stories can teach us lesson. We read two stories that were similar to Cinderella, but they are from Egypt and China. We discussed how the stories are different based on the culture that they were written about.
      • Our student of the week’s book was a popular fable as well. It was The Little Red Hen, where the animals learned that if they do not participate in the hard work than they do not get the reward.
    • continued learning about double digit subtraction and are focusing on regrouping.
      • Subtraction Poem:
        • More on top? – No need to stop.
        • More on the floor? – Go next door and get 10 more.
        • Numbers the same? – Zeroes the game.
    • learned about what makes sand. We did an experiment with paper rocks and ripped them smaller and smaller during the “storms”. During the “storm” the rain hit the rocks so hard that they continue breaking apart.

Next Week:

  • Our spelling words:
    • scratch, scrape, spring, throne, stripe, strange, shred, shrub, splash, split, catch, sting, far, flower, until

School Information:

  • Cultural Fair
    • We are hosting our annual Cultural Fair at the Recker campus on November 6th from 9:00-1:30. We typically ask for parents to come in and volunteer to run a table based on your family’s culture. We would love for families to host a table to share artifacts, foods, and stories that reflect your family’s culture. This is such a fun and informative event for our elementary students. Here is our sign-up link and thank you so much for considering! 
  • Learning Celebration
    • On November 3rd, you are invited to the classroom between 2pm and 3:30pm to see what your student has been learning. They will show you their workbooks and their work around the classroom. Doors do not open until 2pm. Also, there is NO drive lane that day. Students will need to be picked up from the classroom.
  • Food & Toy Drive for The Society of St. Vincent DePaul
    • The dates for the Food & Toy Drive will be October 16th– November 3rd. Needed items include: non-perishable food (cereal, canned food, dried beans, rice, canned beans), water, new underwear & socks, shoes, clothing, school supplies, blankets, new toys, hygiene items, and diapers. For more information about the organization, please visit

I am very much looking forward to another wonderful week! Do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions that you may have!


Mrs. Sibley

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