Mrs. Sibley’s Weekly Email – 9/2/2021

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Happy Thursday, Families!

It has been another busy week in 2nd grade! We have been learning about writing a story: brainstorm, plan, first draft, and today we did a revision on our story. We have been learning about adding additional descriptive words and adding an entertaining climax to the story. In science, we have been learning about erosion and how water can actually form canyons. Tomorrow, we are looking forward to talking about Labor Day. If you would like to write a letter to the class, we would really appreciate you telling us about your job! Also, please note that Monday is Labor Day and we have no school!

Toys vs. Tools:

We have had some ongoing issues with some of the students in class regarding pop-its, fidget spinners… I understand that they can be used as tools for some students to help them with attention, but some of these tools have become toys. I have been role-playing and discussing the difference, but would appreciate you having this conversation at home.

Green Folders:

Every Friday, we will be sending home a green folder with your student. Students should be bringing them back on Monday. Please go through these with your students as I try to make notes. In the folder there is work that they should keep at home. I have also added any work in there that they did not complete throughout the week. I would appreciate your support as I am ensuring they have time to work on this in class.

Google Classroom:

Every student has received an email to their school Gmail account to invite them to Mrs. Sibley’s Google Classroom. San Tan Charter School has invested in Literacy Pro, where students will be able to do their reading every night. It will provide audio resources, customized recommendations per interest, leveled reading… BUT we need to set up google classroom first. 🙂 Most emails are the first initial last name @santancharterschool. Please let me know if you have any questions or are unable to get onto Gmail.

School Information:

  • Our 2021-2022 PreK-12 San Tan Yearbooks are on sale  It will include a 15th year commemorative section and options for students and families. Begin planning and designing yours now. Visit our storefront link here:
  • We are inviting all grandparents to have lunch with their grandkids on September 10th. Please let grandparents know that they can feel free to bring the students lunch. Please also remind grandparents that we are a nut free school. 1st and 2nd Grade- 11:00-11:40
  • Our in-person book fair is are back this year, and Usborne Books & More is headed our way! Be sure to stop in September 7th-10th and shop all the newest releases, top favorites, holiday books & more! The book fair will also be open to shop during Grandparent’s Day. You will also have the opportunity to gift our wonderful teachers with gift certificates to shop books for their classrooms too. If you are unable to attend in-person or prefer to browse the full catalog- you can shop online now through September 12th & still support our school. Let’s make this the best book fair yet! Shop online: Your student will be browsing on Tuesday at 11:30am as well.

Please have a wonderful weekend! Do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions that you may have!


Mrs. Sibley