Weekly Newsletter – 10/27/2022
Happy Thursday!
I was overjoyed and ecstatic to have your students in class this week! We have been busy!
New Information:
- HALLOWEEN: Halloween is coming on Monday, October 31st. This will be a 1/2 day with dismissal at 11:00am. Per San Tan Charter School policy, NO costumes, sweets, or candy are allowed. If you need half day camp, please sign up here: https://yqysjrrxph.formstack.com/forms/stcs_half_day_camp_2022_2023
- CLASSROOM VOLUNTEERS: Do you want to volunteer in the classroom or hang out with your student at lunch? I’d love to have you! Please sign up here. You must have your Fingerprint Clearance Card.
- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090c4baaa922aafd0-reading4
- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4fa8ae22a5fbc07-lunch
- MOVIE AFTERNOON ON FRIDAY: We will be watching a movie tomorrow, Friday afternoon. Your student can bring ONE stuffed animal, pillow, and blanket if they would like. 🙂 Thank you for the parents who volunteered to make it EXTRA special and bring a snack.
- PAPER DRIVE: Our class is currently in 3rd place for the Annual Paper Drive. Our annual beginning of the year Paper Drive is in full effect starting Monday, October 10th– December 9th. The class with the MOST points will receive a teacher reward of $100 for their classroom. Write Sibley on the paper and send it to the front office.
- WINTER CONFERENCES: Sign up here for Q2 Parent Teacher Conferences. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4fa8ae22a5fbc07-december
- WATER BOTTLES: We are collecting empty plastic water bottles for an art project coming up. If you could please send them with your student, we would appreciate it.
This Week:
- We:
- read a bunch of animal poetry and created our own poem today.
- began our double digit subtraction unit. Please review with your student subtraction up to 20 so they can feel more comfortable.
School Information:
- Please join our school’s Family Engagement Committee’s (FEC) Facebook page. Here you will find school wide events that are coming up and ways to volunteer at school. https://www.facebook.com/groups/620590539585576
- Please remind your students to check the Lost and Found. We will be taking all remaining Recker campus Lost and Found items to GoodWill every Wednesday.
- We are hosting our annual Cultural Fair at the Recker campus on November 7th from 9:00-1:30. We typically ask for parents to come in and volunteer to run a table based on your family’s culture. We would love for families to host a table to share artifacts, foods, and stories that reflect your family’s culture. This is such a fun and informative event for our elementary students. Here is our sign-up link and thank you so much for considering! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0e45adac22abf94-cultural2
- Learning Celebration is a time-honored tradition that we have at San Tan where families are invited into each student’s classroom to celebrate all the hard work and learning the students have done. We will run Learning Celebration from 1:00-3:30 on Friday November 4th.
I am very much looking forward to another wonderful week! Do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions that you may have!
Mrs. Sibley