Weekly Newsletter – 12/1/2022
Happy Thursday!
I was overjoyed and ecstatic to have your students in class this week!
New Information:
- MAP TESTING: We will begin MAP testing TOMORROW! These students have been working so hard and I am so PROUD of them. Please have a conversation at home about taking their time and trying their best and have them eat breakfast as we are starting at 8:35am.
- PAPER DRIVE: Our annual beginning of the year Paper Drive is in full effect starting Monday, October 10th– December 9th. The class with the MOST points will receive a teacher reward of $100 for their classroom. Write Sibley on the paper and send it to the front office.
- WINTER CONFERENCES: Sign up here for Q2 Parent Teacher Conferences. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4fa8ae22a5fbc07-december
- WATER BOTTLES: We are collecting empty plastic water bottles for an art project coming up. If you could please send them with your student, we would appreciate it.
- WINTER MUSIC CONCERT: The Winter Music Concert is on December 13th at the Recker Campus Gym. Students will need to be dropped off at 4:30pm and the concert will start at 5pm. Drive line reminds the same and there will be no teacher here until 4:30pm. Students will need to be dressed in solid black bottoms, solid white top and solid blue accents (examples: neck tie, hair bows, jewelry, shawl, scarf). Please practice with your kids at home. 🙂 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ynHxbE9GXbROrkDgMQEFHuxFGiZyiBTa?usp=share_link
This Week:
- We:
- reviewed our grammar in regards to: quotations, past / future tenses, nouns, verbs & adjectives
- learned about the sky and read non-fiction texts about the sun, stars, and the moon
- reviewed our math concepts in regards to: time, money & word problems. Have them count their piggy banks or spare change in the car. 🙂
- began the unit of Holidays Around the World with Australia
Next Week:
- Spelling Words: we, bee, need, queen, mean, leaf, thief, chief, pony, keys, grows, toe, after, every, special
School Information:
- Please join our school’s Family Engagement Committee’s (FEC) Facebook page. Here you will find school wide events that are coming up and ways to volunteer at school. https://www.facebook.com/groups/620590539585576
- Please remind your students to check the Lost and Found. All remaining Recker campus Lost and Found items will be donated to GoodWill every Wednesday.
- Ordering is open for the 2022-2023 School Year! Order your 2022-2023 Yearbook Today… “Continuing our Legacy” San Tan’s Vision “The San Tan Charter School Family honors and invests in the community by leaving a legacy through individualized and interactive learning experiences. https://store.shopyearbook.com/santan-yb
- Here is the link to share photos of your students at school or school events that you would like added to the yearbook. https://uploads.picabooyearbooks.com/9681082 Submitting pictures does not guarantee that these photos will be used, but it is helpful to have as many photos as the committee can get, especially of fieldtrips, after school events, classroom events, etc.
I am very much looking forward to another wonderful week! Do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions that you may have!
Mrs. Sibley